I've had the possiblity to take part last week on the Hungarian cultural days in Cluj (my all time favorite city). I've just used my time to spend it wisely. At least I think like this. Why? Simply because you need to use your time - you have one life, with a very limited lifetime span. Seeing, exploring, making mistakes it is just all part of the big plan. You need to take part, live it and afterwards form an impression. Why so? Cause in my experience that is what if differentiates us from the rest. And unfortunately today, culture is not the main interest of the people. These days thought me that it is more than important...this world would be a better place if more people would think the same. Of course, I tend to have utopian ideas.
Az alábbiakban kimásoltam a programfüzet előszavát. Szerintem érdemes minden erdélyi magyarnak végigolvasnia, és hacsak pár pillanatig is: de elgondolkodnia rajta.
És talán akkor a programfüzettel nyitnék. Mert ugye ez foglalja legjobban össze hogy mit történt 7 napon keresztül Kolozsváron. Kicsit a kilencvenes évek piros-sárga-kék padjai után mintha az Európai szellem-multikultiság átrepült volna a kincses városon IS. Mert hiába CSAK a negyedik a sorban, és hiába volt egy időpontban például a Partiumi magyar napokkal, én is (mint sok tízezer ember) ezt választottam. És utólag kiderült: nem ok nélkül.
Lets start perhaps with the cultural days programs (please find it in the above link, unfortunately only in Hungarian). It seems for me that after a very transitional period (90' and 00') after the communist regime you see some huge improvements in Transylvania. Or more precisely in Cluj. And I am not talking about the international companies who seek the brightest for a lower income. Nope. I am talking about European ideas/multiculturalism and people who are appreciating art/music/and culture in general.
Az alábbiakban kimásoltam a programfüzet előszavát. Szerintem érdemes minden erdélyi magyarnak végigolvasnia, és hacsak pár pillanatig is: de elgondolkodnia rajta.
The first page got my attention in the guide. I think if you think yourself as a Hungarian (in Transylvania or in Honolulu), you should read it, and give a couple of thoughts. It is about the Eyak people who are now extinct. At the end of the XIX century they were only 117 people speaking the Eyak language. In 2008, the last native was found to be dead. And with his death, the Eyak language and culture was over. Thanks to our globalized world.
Hungarians, and Hungarian minorities are a bit more lucky in this sense. But not too much. In the last 1000 years, thanks to many miracles, we're still here. But for how long? As long as there is a community, there is language, there is culture, and there are things which you would consider. Right? I mean these 1.5 millions here in Transylvania is nothing compared to Earth's population which is now above 7 billion. On the long term this 7 billion people are unsustainable. Perhaps for another 100 years or so.
So this event was a truly colorful paint job on our grey everyday' life!
Us and the Eyaks
Csak egy rövid programajánlót írok amiken részt vettem és reklámozni szeretném annak aki jövőre betervezné a kolozsvári magyar napokat a határidőnaplójába:
- városnéző történeti-történelmi séta: a főtér és környéke.
- Thorma János művei és pályatársai (kiállítás) - Nagybányainak kötelező
- Kolozsvár vonzáskörében - fotókiállítás a Magyar Konzul épületében
- Orgonatúra - farkas utcai ref. templomban és a Szent Mihály templomban
- A vívó világverseny kulisszatitkai - sportbeszélgetés Pap Jánossal
- Bórkóstoló
- Koncertek: Csík zenekar (!), Zorán (!), Demjén, Tankcsapda (?wtf)
- partik a volt Continentál szállóban (azaz New York) - igazi autentikus romkocsmás feeling
- István a király rockopera - kb. 40-50 ezer emberrel
- kerekasztal beszélgetések (Igen, tessék mozgalom stb.)
és folytathatnám, de nincs minek. ezt meg kell élni. pont.
So, even though this festival is for Hungarians, I have heard/seen Romanians or even tourist on the streets of Cluj. Why? Because music can beat language borders. There were concerts, and the important thing it is that not mainstream ones: classical, rock, indie, etc. Talks, workshops, sporting events, art exhibitions, traditional hungarian food, parties in one of the most iconic places in Cluj: the New York Grand Hotel. Which was sold directly after the festival for 5 million euros. I would have bought it for even 10.
mert pár napra tényleg Kolozsvár lett a világ közepe :)